almost done packing for my trip to Aussieland tomorrow.
looking forward to good times! with you, again :) i hope it's not the last.
see you in a week!
i know you’ll miss me. hehehheh.
almost done packing for my trip to Aussieland tomorrow.
looking forward to good times! with you, again :) i hope it's not the last.
see you in a week!
i know you’ll miss me. hehehheh.
its not what you do for people
but how you communicate with them.
i hate staying at home, and a large part of the reason is you.
it’s virtually impossible to start a conversation with you without you flaring up by the 2nd sentence, regardless of topic.
yes, you keep the house spick and span and all
but i would appreciate a mother who communicates in any other way rather than inane screaming and slamming furniture
who cares if she does zero housework?
at least i can count on her not to throw a fit within 5 minutes in her presence.
looks yummy, right?
this cost us $40.50nett per person.
feel cheated :(
they say you get 50% off with a DBS/POSB card if you have 2 pax
but who knew that if you’re in a group of 8 pax, you can only use that offer once within your group!
and you can only split the bill in two for one table.
if we knew, we would have sat at different tables :(
but anyway, i had a good time.
more good food tonight, i think.
woohoo! :)
half a month gone,
half a month of being jobless!
about time for an official update, huh.
so here goes…
i’ve been out and about almost everyday, meeting friends and catching up with different people, some of which i haven’t met in a long time.
and it always ends on the same note- let’s meet up again soon.
i hope it actually materializes, as it so often seems otherwise.
finally finished reading the twilight series and it was definitely a good read.
my favourite of the series is Breaking Dawn, but it’ll be a super long wait for the movie, if there is one.
now i need more good books for my bus/mrt journeys wherever.
can i borrow Marley & Me, or Time Traveller’s Wife from anyone?
been watching a lot of movies too- a lot, in my standards.
never used to watch an average of 2 movies in 2 weeks.
let’s see what have i got so far: 500 Days of Summer, My Sister’s Keeper, Poker King, My Girlfriend is an Agent & Paranormal Activity.
looking forward to more :)
also, i’ve been following Vampire Diaries.
needless to say, ian somerhalder is so divine and paul wesley really pales in comparison (although he does grow on you eventually).
and i’m not just watching it because i’m bored, or because ian is in it.
the story is actually quite good and leaves me begging for the next episode every time.
so that’s what i’ve been doing.
what’s coming up?
my awesome travelling adventure starts next week!
heading for the gold coast down under next friday, 27 nov (already!)
gonna be gone for a week,
then off for starcruise over the weekend of 4 – 6 dec.
and then kl/cameroon highlands 9 – 12 dec
and perhaps chongqing china some time after that.
i’ll be around for christmas! :)
and off to shanghai china again, 27 dec for a week.
hopefully cambodia in january is still on :)
woohoo! wen is a happy girl!
i'm beginning to think that humans really do exist in these two forms.
perhaps its not as distinct as what we see in tv shows;
and i truly believe, that in most cases in real life, the huai rens aren't all that huai as others make them out to be.
have you ever considered the following:
the true reasons of intentions behind actions- like a mother caning her child, her very own flesh and blood... at this age, we all know that's out of concern of a mother wanting her child to learn from his mistake. we probably never believed that when we were young. and the same thing applies here- we don't know why some people do the things they do. perhaps they're misunderstood, or they don't know how to express themselves in ways that people can comprehend and accept?
the extent of putting their personal benefits before others- which human doesn't fend for themselves or want the best for the ones they love? but how far would they go? would they inconvenient others, or even harm others, so that things would go their way, whether its a trivial or serious matter?
the process of getting to your final destination- when it turns into an obsession, you forget what the chase was all about. you're overwhelmed by the progress, enticed by money and power. you forget what you really wanted at the beginning of it all.
we all need reminders now and then.
even being a human, we need to check and review ourselves from time to time so make sure that we're on track.
most people are oblivious to this.
but when they become aware, and when you do justify what they’ve done, don't they deserve a chance?
but then again, how would you know that they would turn over a new leaf?
do they realise that they've been the huai ren before and do they want to become a hao ren?
or they simply can’t be bothered?
karma should not exist to make people suffer
but to make people learn from their past mistakes so that they avoid committing them again.
it's a pity it doesn't seem to work this way.
i honestly hate to see people's ignorance or refusal to see that they brought some things upon themselves, but blame it on other people or luck.
god really does work in mysterious ways.
As if a Lotus could get any more gorgeous.
day 1 of being jobless.
been less than 2 hours and i’m feeling so damn empty already :(
i should really go get a temporary job soon.
glad that i already got one for tomorrow :D
whoever’s free, ask me out okay? :)