Monday, August 18, 2008
Theme Hospital Frenzy
I got myself onto and started to play some games, until this Sara's Super Spa got me addicted for like 2 hours.
And it SO reminds me of this old school game Theme Hospital!!!!
So, the very next day, I went on the internet and searched for its download! Managed to get it on my Vista, but it is super laggy. Apparantly it is not very compatible with Vista, so now I'm using my brother's XP, and download is in process.
IT WORKS!! YAY!!!!!!!!! I'm off to play! :D
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Boring Saturday
Thank goodness my cousin was craving for waffles and asked me out to icekimo, and I found company for dinner. Otherwise, I would have spent the last 28 hours at home!
That's a record for me, since I don't remember when.
I really hope I'll be able to sleep tonight, because I took a nap in the afternoon. Wine, anybody?
I shall watch Gossip Girls.
And I'm utterly bored.
No incoming mails reminds me that it is Friday night, and I ought to be out, but no, I'm at home, feeling bored after getting sick of work.
Looking back at it, it's been a rather sickening week of buring myself in work, to keep myself occupied so that time would pass faster.
And no, this is not the reason imu. iluimyht.
Suddenly my Mini dream seems to have drifted further away again.
And suddenly, September feels like its going to come too slowly but go too quickly. I can hardly wait for eternal peace, rest and bliss. Ok, this sounds like I can't wait to die, but no, I just can't wait to retire. Yes I know you're thinking, aren't you a tad too young to be thinking of retirement already!?
Maybe it's PMS.
Should I sleep? Or should I watch something on DVD? Tomorrow is looking like a day with no agenda. Ah, I dunno. Sigh.
My name is Superbored. Hurhur...
A time-machine would make me happy......
Oh, I quite recently discovered how great Picasa Web Albums is.
1) You can actually download a whole album, so it's really good for sharing photos with your friends, unlike in Photobucket or Facebook. (I mean, Facebook is just for showing off your glamourous life to people who don't know you personally. You still end up having to send the entire folder to your friends over MSN or something.)
2) Not to forget that it allows you to upload massive amounts of photos at one shot, unlike Facebook, which only allows you like 56 photos, right?
3) Plus, it's so convenient to insert captions to your photos, and it automatically saves the caption when you click on the next column.
4) It even provides you with the coding to embed a slideshow of an album! Just like what I have to the right of this column!
Picasa's proving to be pretty impressive too. It's really easy to browse through and locate pictures.
I love the collage tool! Saves me so much trouble and time of collaging all my photos in photoshop, and it's so easy because I can just select the photos from the Picasa library, click on the collage button, and there you go! A collage!
My only complaint: The BlogThis! function seems to be buggy. I can only post 4 photos, even though I selected more than that, and the 1st picture doesn't even appear properly. I upload my photos through Blogger itself, which can be rather messy, because when I click 'Done' after uploading the pictures, they appear on top of all the text that I've typed. Plus I really hate paragraph tags (< p >)!! Doesn't < b r > work much better? Argh, I really hate messy HTML codings.
Ok, I think I've wasted enough time and I'm starting to feel sleepy. Great! Good night and I'm glad Friday has ended! :)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Days of my life, Cheeky Chocolates
Too cute for words!
It's been a rather hectic week, and I'm more than glad that it's Friday and the week's coming to an end. I can't wait for the new week to start!
It is ironic that I love working on an offday because I get to work out of the office. I'm slowly turning into a workaholic, I think...
So far, my favourite locations are McCafe and Cheeky Chocolates!
Cheeky Chocolates = great service, nice ambience, free wireless access. Great place to chill or work alone!
Best thing, is that it is on Upper Thomson Road, super near my house. :D

Anyway, I bumped into this random girl yesterday and she looked at me with a very weird expression. She noticed that I noticed, so this was our conversation.
Wen: Why're you looking at me like that? (I know it sounds a bit rude, but
actually I said it in a laughing manner)
C: Er... You look like a friend...
Wen: Oh... I see.
and I thought ok, look like only lah. And that was going to be the end of the conversation. Then she continued.
C: Your name is not Yiwen right?
Wen: HUH? Yes I'm Yiwen!! Who are you!? I don't recognise you at
C: Kua Yiwen? I'm your primary 1 classmate...
I'm damn amazed that her memory is SO GOOD! I don't think I look very much like myself in primary 1 now, really. She even remembers my full name, can you believe it! Hahaha... Her name sounds quite familiar though... But just quite. Hahaha...
-Girl talk with the aunt and cousin couple of nights ago. My aunt's real skinny, and she was describing this one time years ago when she fattened up.
Man, I had BOOBS! And they were BOUNCING up and down when I walked!
Thinking about September makes me happy!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I was tempted, until I saw the registration date. Then I told myself, I've GOT TO GET THIS.
Tell me this car is simply made FOR ME. The registration date falls on MY BIRTHDAY. Isn't it made for me!??!
Bugged my dad and he finally agreed to consider. He's going to get his friend who's knowledgable in cars to go with me to take a look at THE car.
OMG... I'm fucking excited!
In other very pleasing news, I'm going to Bintan in September. For work. :D
Today is a GREAT DAY!!!
TODAY makes me FUCKING HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Singapore and France were in the finals of the Guinness World Book of Records, and I somehow ended up with Xt and Ikhsan (wth!?) at the competition ground. We were put on a ship and we were sitting next to each other, holding each others hands because we were very excited. We were in for a good show.
The show started and Singapore's underwater underground Disneyland was first to be featured. What got this into the Book of Records is that it was the deepest construction ever to be built. The ship rotated sideways like a roller coaster ride, transformed into a submarine and submerged into water in seconds, and started to descend at an alarming speed. I wanted to equalize but noticed there wasn't a need to.
We travelled through lots of impressive architecture and stopped at this area where we were allowed to roam about for some time before we moved on. I was intrigued by this movie screening where we were put in a room that makes you float, like in scuba diving. Everyone has a screen right in front of them and you're supposed to hover at your spot in order to watch your movie. I stopped there for a short while, then left to get on to the next place that we were going, but then I remembered that I had to buy souvenirs for my friends. So I went to the area with all the shops, of which many were book stores. Happened to meet Vivien, Abby, Pris and Weiwei there. I found a pen with Disney logo, and shortlisted it as one of the possible gift.
And then, the phone rang, and I woke up. Too short!
Mj tournament going on right now. I was the big loser of the first round, but whatever! Hahaha... Let's see who's the big winner by the end of the night. Heh.
Crazy colleagues make me happy... Hahaha
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Slideshow is up!
As you know, I spent 4 hours last night picking out my favourite photos and uploaded them onto Picasa.
I just realised that some of the photos that I picked have disappeared! Or rather, it seems like I didn't even paste them into the folder of pictures that I was planning to upload. Those that we took in Phuket and USA are completely gone! I'm so annoyed with myself. How the hell did that happen!?
Now I gotta browse through all the photos again to select those that I missed out... RAHHH. It's tedious, you know...
But anyway, the slideshow is up... to the right >>>> Enjoy... :)
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The Best Memories. all mine.
It's been damn nice reminiscing and I'm thinking that maybe I should be somewhere else. Not here in Singapore. Maybe Europe, maybe USA, maybe the Maldives. Not just holidaying, you know, but living there, having a job... Something like that.
I'm still young eh, but not for long. (Reminds me of the Britney Spears song that goes "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman..." LOL.) If I wanna do something different, it should probably be now.
I actually wanted to post the slideshow on my blog tonight, but it's gonna take over an hour to upload. And look at the freakin time now. So you shall watch this space (watch!) while I go get some snooze.
Off day tomorrow :)
Travelling makes me darnnn happy :)
Oh yeah, another thing. ZOVB is having a Public Roll-down Session this coming Sunday the 10th, so if you're curious and you wanna try it out, drop us a message on the website :)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Me time
Reckon I had already missed my last bus, and I wasn't in a hurry to get home, plus I'm always reluctant donate my cash to cabbies.
Found out that there's wine tasting just 5 minutes walk away from home!
And checked out (from far) the new MRT station at my doorstep. Marymount Station!
I'm excited. I've never lived so near a train station before! Can't wait for it start servicing...
Takes me a step further away from my Mini Dream.
I need a new sudoku book.
It's a bit early for PMS, but people are like taking turns to annoy me. Rarrr...
Ok, I'm super sleepy. So its good night.
Me time makes me happy :)