Too cute for words!
It's been a rather hectic week, and I'm more than glad that it's Friday and the week's coming to an end. I can't wait for the new week to start!
It is ironic that I love working on an offday because I get to work out of the office. I'm slowly turning into a workaholic, I think...
So far, my favourite locations are McCafe and Cheeky Chocolates!
Cheeky Chocolates = great service, nice ambience, free wireless access. Great place to chill or work alone!
Best thing, is that it is on Upper Thomson Road, super near my house. :D

Anyway, I bumped into this random girl yesterday and she looked at me with a very weird expression. She noticed that I noticed, so this was our conversation.
Wen: Why're you looking at me like that? (I know it sounds a bit rude, but
actually I said it in a laughing manner)
C: Er... You look like a friend...
Wen: Oh... I see.
and I thought ok, look like only lah. And that was going to be the end of the conversation. Then she continued.
C: Your name is not Yiwen right?
Wen: HUH? Yes I'm Yiwen!! Who are you!? I don't recognise you at
C: Kua Yiwen? I'm your primary 1 classmate...
I'm damn amazed that her memory is SO GOOD! I don't think I look very much like myself in primary 1 now, really. She even remembers my full name, can you believe it! Hahaha... Her name sounds quite familiar though... But just quite. Hahaha...
-Girl talk with the aunt and cousin couple of nights ago. My aunt's real skinny, and she was describing this one time years ago when she fattened up.
Man, I had BOOBS! And they were BOUNCING up and down when I walked!
Thinking about September makes me happy!
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