Saturday, August 16, 2008


Ok. I'm sick of doing work. I just suddenly decided to click on the X on the top right corner of my screen and quit working.

And I'm utterly bored.

No incoming mails reminds me that it is Friday night, and I ought to be out, but no, I'm at home, feeling bored after getting sick of work.

Looking back at it, it's been a rather sickening week of buring myself in work, to keep myself occupied so that time would pass faster.
And no, this is not the reason imu. iluimyht.
Suddenly my Mini dream seems to have drifted further away again.

And suddenly, September feels like its going to come too slowly but go too quickly. I can hardly wait for eternal peace, rest and bliss. Ok, this sounds like I can't wait to die, but no, I just can't wait to retire. Yes I know you're thinking, aren't you a tad too young to be thinking of retirement already!?

Maybe it's PMS.

Should I sleep? Or should I watch something on DVD? Tomorrow is looking like a day with no agenda. Ah, I dunno. Sigh.

My name is Superbored. Hurhur...

A time-machine would make me happy......


Oh, I quite recently discovered how great Picasa Web Albums is.

1) You can actually download a whole album, so it's really good for sharing photos with your friends, unlike in Photobucket or Facebook. (I mean, Facebook is just for showing off your glamourous life to people who don't know you personally. You still end up having to send the entire folder to your friends over MSN or something.)

2) Not to forget that it allows you to upload massive amounts of photos at one shot, unlike Facebook, which only allows you like 56 photos, right?

3) Plus, it's so convenient to insert captions to your photos, and it automatically saves the caption when you click on the next column.

4) It even provides you with the coding to embed a slideshow of an album! Just like what I have to the right of this column!

Picasa's proving to be pretty impressive too. It's really easy to browse through and locate pictures.

I love the collage tool! Saves me so much trouble and time of collaging all my photos in photoshop, and it's so easy because I can just select the photos from the Picasa library, click on the collage button, and there you go! A collage!

My only complaint: The BlogThis! function seems to be buggy. I can only post 4 photos, even though I selected more than that, and the 1st picture doesn't even appear properly. I upload my photos through Blogger itself, which can be rather messy, because when I click 'Done' after uploading the pictures, they appear on top of all the text that I've typed. Plus I really hate paragraph tags (< p >)!! Doesn't < b r > work much better? Argh, I really hate messy HTML codings.


Ok, I think I've wasted enough time and I'm starting to feel sleepy. Great! Good night and I'm glad Friday has ended! :)

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