Thursday, May 20, 2010


How come it doesn’t feel like so long ago
that Dad proudly showed me his collection of US Olympic Coins of the Atlanta Centennial Olympic Games
and asked me to check if it’s valuable in the market?

It really feels so recent
But no, it must have been at least 4+ months back.

This incident suddenly popped into my head when I was just looking in his cupboard for a multi power adapter, and spotted the coins.

Without these little objects, I might never remember all these little incidences because they were so insignificant.
Yet I want to remember them as much as I can, because he deserves it.
That’s why I’m recording it here everytime I remember/dream something.
He was a great father, but I don’t think I’ve given him the credit he deserves while he was alive.

God saw you were getting tired
And it was not meant to be,
So he put his arms around you
And whispered,''come to me''.
With tearful eyes we watched you
And saw you pass away,
Although we loved you dearly
We could not make you stay.
A golden heart stopped beating
Hard working hands at rest
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the best

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